"The Game of Joy" is a novel that made waves when it was first published in America, and fell in love with as few children's books as it was translated into all the languages of the world. It is an instructive book, and so fascinating, that it is read with the same pleasure by both young and old. Polyanna is a little girl who goes to live with her aunt, who did not know her until then and who does not like children. She is a wise little girl, with a golden heart and great vitality. Her father, a poor missionary, had taught her to play the "Game of Joy", which is the secret of human happiness. The little girl, who wants to see happy people around her, teaches everyone to play this famous game. Polyanna manages very easily to spread joy and happiness around her. With the straightforwardness of her character, with her always cheerful mood - and, above all, with her optimism, Polyanna succeeds - not only to change the awkward character of her aunt, but also to bring happiness and joy back into her. that huge mansion, where before she came, the atmosphere was heavy and suffocating. It is a moving novel, which exudes the aroma of optimism and which often brings tears to the eyes and smiles to the lips, because it is a human story, very human.
The Pollyanna and the game of joy
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"The Game of Joy" is a novel that made waves when it was first published in America, and fell in love with as few children's books as it was translated into all the languages of the world. It is an instructive book, and so fascinating, that it is read with the same pleasure by both young and old. Polyanna is a little girl who goes to live with her aunt, who did not know her until then and who does not like children. She is a wise little girl, with a golden heart and great vitality. Her father, a poor missionary, had taught her to play the "Game of Joy", which is the secret of human happiness. The little girl, who wants to see happy people around her, teaches everyone to play this famous game. Polyanna manages very easily to spread joy and happiness around her. With the straightforwardness of her character, with her always cheerful mood - and, above all, with her optimism, Polyanna succeeds - not only to change the awkward character of her aunt, but also to bring happiness and joy back into her. that huge mansion, where before she came, the atmosphere was heavy and suffocating. It is a moving novel, which exudes the aroma of optimism and which often brings tears to the eyes and smiles to the lips, because it is a human story, very human.
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